What are the effects of democracy and authoritarianism on development? Paper Study

This Essay paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master of Arts Governance and leadership.

Abdiqani Mohamed Egeh


Development is a hot issue in the academic debates, Scholars rise many academic questions relating to developments including the meaning of development? and why some countries developed and other underdeveloped? Does the political system like democracy and authoritarian bring in development? Does Democracy lead a development or does economic development first before democracy? These questions and many other academic questions surrounding the development issue are on the debate. Therefore this paper does not answer many of these questions but here I would like to present the effects caused by two prominent political systems of the world, Democracy and Authoritarianism.  In this short easy we would like to focus on ways of effects they had in development, how do democracy effect the economic development of a country or what are the effects of authoritarianism regime in economic development.

In general there is no universal agreed principle to measure in developments, but human beings are gradually concerned with sustainable development.[1] Economic development may be the gradual process of improvements in citizens’ well-being. Developments of economic growth are shaped by the type of institutional regimes operating under them; they describe the choices of citizens and determine the production costs in order to engage an economic activity, also institutions are created to bring order and stability, they had an influence the type of development engaged in the society. North Argues that Institutions influence the way that economic activity is structured and the way they provide an economic structure that shapes the direction of economic growth or development.[2]

Democracy allows citizens to participate equally while authoritarianism sets limits to the individuals freedom, people cannot able to produce what they want to the market, but the regime regulates the market and decides which sector to invest and those who have a high priorities. These set of limits affect the individuals to bring their money and ideas in the market. Developments are what every society seeks to achieve in order to live in a better life, every human expects and seeks a better day then today, hence the way to achieve such developments or mechanisms to reach that better life are different in the countries, as their thoughts and intelligence differ from one another.

Therefore, throughout the rest of paper we will closely look the correlation between development and democracy and authoritarianism and development, we will look the effects of democracy on developments and then authoritarians and its effect on development. In conclusions I will try to bring some arguments and take short case studies as an example and then directly answer the above question.
Effect of democracy and authoritarian on developments

Democracy effect:

Democracy and development may correlate each other, when ever democracy changed a political system of a particular society, people may expect an economic development, as Huntington argues that economic growth in the developing countries creates a precondition and opportunities toward democracy.[3] Huntington’s argument could be only a factor in the developing countries, but Evans argues that economic development and democracy influence each other.[4] Different countries have different policies and mechanisms to achieve their particular goals, the development is not some think that is achieved in one year but it may be and may be not a planned well structured system that had clearly mentioned specific goals to achieve like for example Malaysia 2020.

Democracy allows citizens to participate equally in the political platform, they are free to their voices and contribute to the positive growth of economic developments, the political stability that democracy brings could be a critical factor for the growth of developments but some scholars argue that economic growth and social background conditions like the level of Literacy, the demographic state of the country affects the stability of the democracy in a certain way.[5] But when democracy is applied to the economic system of a country everything is possible, which is to bring economic boost or gradually make economic backward. This may occur in the transitional period of democratization.

The initial democratization process may lead a political disorder of the country and the economic development declines in the early democratization stages because the government is weak and cannot afford the strikes and demonstrations, these political tensions negatively effects the developments, foreign investments diminishes as the political tension increases, the level of unemployment increase as the economic conditions deteriorate, this may be the early democratizations stages but later stages when governments become strong and rule of law works in a proper way that fits the peoples demands, the economic trend increases gradually.

It is much important to highlight and not to guarantee or to be successful when the country moves to democratic transition. The development of democracy is nothing without sustainable economic development. Hence the sustainable economic development as the classic definition of world commission on environment and development states is sustainable development is reached if itmeets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.[6]  Thus the effect of democracy on development involves a political and economical transformation of the society.

The effect of democracy on development path cannot be maintained unless policies affecting developments is settled in democratic way that all people are equal to the resource, these must be give In much consideration like the distribution of benefits and costs that related to the access of the resources.  In short democratic developments are affected by the way people understand and implement the democracy.

Authoritarianism effect

Over The past decades academic researchers have made many academic arguments to find the relationship between authoritarianism and developments, in this regard there is a view that Authoritarian regimes are able to begin and implement a huge developmental project. This is known as in the academic arena developmental Authoritarianism.[7] The advocates of this kind of developmental type argues in relation to democracy, that democracy lowers or hinders the speedy of development as a result of its nature of particularistic project. This is a good example of many Africa, Latin America and Asian countries saw that democracy is the way of achieving foster developments but later turned to Authoritarian regimes.

Authoritarianism is a system of enforcing strict rules to create obedience to the people with authority.[8] These strict rules influence the economic transactions and effect the development, the influence of dictator’s obedience negatively impacts the economic growth but the will of the government to implement a developmental activity boosts the rapid growth of level of citizens, the correlations is that Authoritarianism acts to inject the economy a desolate effects and shifting the market forces to wants of the elites of government officials.

The economic structure of Authoritarians is mainly problematic, they distribute the resource of the country in their allies and political loyalties, one general principle states that all dictators redistribute the resources more than the democratic regimes did.[9]  
This may be what makes to implement the speedy of developments based their priorities in order to attract new loyalties.

Authoritarianism and democracy both effect the development of the country in way that fits the countries background and demographic origins. Countries like Taiwan and Singapore made a rapid economic development but also countries like china and Russia Significantly improved their economy regardless their type of regimes, so my arguments is that any kind of development needs a scarified people to put their efforts and capabilities to improve their homeland from underdeveloped to developed one, these human capital is best way that effect the development of these two types of political systems, democracy and Authoritarian. This is why we see many Authoritarian regimes in the world to succeed and bring a development to their nations. These rulers are skilled human capital that wants to achieve a rapid economic growth. also know many democratic nations that failed to accomplish sustainable developments to their nation and vise versa in true.  


Developments of economic growth are shaped by the type of institutional regimes, these regimes limits the choices of citizens and determine the production costs in order to engage an economic activity,  also  institutions are created to bring order and stability and  they influence the type of development engaged in that particular society.

The effects of democracy on developments sets the freedom of choice to people, this freedom has a significant meaning inside the democratic institutions, the people have their own rights to organize in a groups that defend their social rights, those rights include their right to get a basic life services, so these organized groups seek to defend that rights, hence these effects the economic choice of the people, therefore the government pays much attention the demands of the people, and this results the way that democratic government executes the developmental activities.

Therefore the correlation effect of democracy and developments is the consideration of the will of the people. More clearly let’s take a recent good example of Somaliland developmental fund (SDF).[10] The government of Somaliland wants to implement a project of animal Quarantines in order to improve the health of animals and find a better grassing in none raining seasons. That is a developmental activity that government wants to enhance the life of the rural people but as results of this project the rural people understand that their land and grassing are held in other people and they refused to execute the developmental project, so after years of negotiations the project is still pending. This is a good example of how the public choice and resources sharing’s limits the democracy of developments.

In Authoritarianism the situation if different the developmental activities affected by the rulers will distribute the economic resource to suppress the will of people. The same example tells us that the project of animal quarantines was done by the former Somalia dictator, no one considered the public choice but the Authoritarian government implements the project. The effect here is that Authoritarians can made a rapid economic growth but less sustainable.

 Authoritarian regimes create a rapid economic growth and distribute the resources within his allies and loyalties. Therefore the effect of development in the Authoritarian regime may not lead in a sustainable development and latter it creates a political instability.  


[1]  See world bank report, Tatyana P. Soubbotina The World Bank Washington, Beyond Economic Growth An Introduction to Sustainable Development Second Edition D.C http://www.worldbank.org/depweb/english/beyond/beyondco/beg_01.pd

[2]  North, Douglass C. 1991. "Institutions." North 1991, p.97
[3] Huntington 1968 p.49  and David Pion-Berlin (Professor)  Ph.D from the University of Denver 
[4] Ph.D. Student of Political Science University of California, Riverside  Liang-chih Evans Chen p.4
[5]  Transitions to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model Author: Dankwart A. Rustow 1970, pp.337-338, Source: Comparative Politics, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Apr., 1970),
[6] Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future p-41
[7]    Lawrence and Julia Co Authors 2009, volume 2 p-87
[8] Oxford dictionaries at oxforddictionaries.com, access date 19/05/2015.
[9]  The Political Economy of Dictatorship:  Ronald Wintrobe p-138
[10]   Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) project:  Enhancing livestock export system with infrastructures and services 2013. http://www.somalilanddevelopmentfund.org/images/docs/Project_descriptions/14-01-MoL.JPG


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